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Chef Harris in the News

We were happy to see a feature by Ike DeLorenzo in the Boston Globe's "g" culture section yesterday on regular Dinner Series partner, host, and chef Robert Harris and his new "pop-up" Cambridge restaurant The Table at Season to Taste. You can read about our experience at Harris' table on the Dinner Series. DeLorenzo attended the "Lost Art of Braising" cooking-class-cum-dinner at Season to Taste and writes,

CAMBRIDGE — In many cities, chefs are cooking at so-called pop-up restaurants. They’re the adult and culinary redux of the rave parties of decades past. Now, a staff sets up shop for the night in an unlikely location — and makes dinner. Reservations are coveted. In Cambridge, a caterer has decided to use his own storefront during off hours to offer a kind of pop-up dinner and cooking class that is as much entertainment as dining. Aspiring attendees must monitor Twitter and Facebook to grab a seat when each event is announced.

And the seats are not cheap. Last week, at a fancy $100-a-plate menu with lesson, braising was the technique of the evening. The location was Season to Taste caterers, and guests sat at a single large table set up next to the open kitchen. The sparse room was filled with the gentle aromas of comfort food, and 10 diners. During the day, owner Robert Harris and his staff prepare food here for events. At night, it turns into the Table at a Season to Taste.

The article goes on to discuss the merits of braising, which Harris' executive chef Sam D'Avignon is an expert at--we say this from first hand experience. Keep an eye on their blog for upcoming events.
